The crew at Pidy are the undisputed kings of ready-to-fill pastry. Tarts, choux buns, vol-au-vents, you name it. With more than 50 years of producing pastry under their belt, Pidy excels in them all. And that's just the beginning. Pidy's passion for pastry means that there's a constant stream of innovative new ideas coming out of their R&D centre in Belgium. Think pastry, think Pidy.
• Small (3.2cm width and 2.3cm height) square neutral puff pastry cases
• Ready-to-fill - great for creating canapes quickly and easily
• Crispy texture with a golden-brown colour and baked pastry taste
• Great moisture resistance, avoiding the dreaded soggy bottom!
Due to the fragile nature of this product, although we will do our best to ensure this product is sufficiently packaged to endure transit via parcel courier, this product is susceptible to damage.