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Speculoos gelato

Speculoos gelato

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Our new cremini speculoos flavour cream and our granny's cookies, which are small grains of crunchy speculoos biscuit, give this gelato a spiced, caramel taste (similar to biscoff) with a warm brown colour.

White base


1030g Milk (1 litre) (3.5% Fat)
160g Double cream (48% Fat)
55g Skimmed milk powder
210g Granulated sugar
22g Dextrose 
50g Spray dried glucose
4g Rubicone neutro 5AU


To calculate the amount of mix you require, multiply all elements/ingredients by 42 to make 60 litres of finished mix, or multiply all elements/ingredients by 21 to make 30 litres of finished mix.

Start by mixing all the dry ingredients together, this prevents the skimmed milk powder from forming lumps as you add it to the milk.

Start with the milk in the pasteuriser, select your desired pasteurisation programme, we have used the low pasteurisation at 65˚C. Once your milk reaches 40˚C, gradually add all the dry ingredients.

Once the mixture reaches 50˚C, add the cream. Let the pasteuriser run its programme, taking the mixture up to 65˚C, then holding it at 65˚C for 30 minutes, then rapidly cooling the mixture to 4˚C.

Once the mixture has reached 4˚C, allow the mixture to age for between 4 and 12 hours (12 hours being preferred for best results).



4000g White base

400g Rubicone granny’s cookies 

At will, use as a variegato Rubicone speculoos cremini


Blend the granny’s cookies into the white base and add to the batch freezer.

On extraction, ripple/variegate in the speculoos variegato.



Drizzle over the top with more speculoos variegato and then sprinkle with more granny’s cookies.

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