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Discover the world of premium ingredients with Sosa, a leading manufacturer of high-quality products for the culinary industry. With a vast range of offerings, including seasonings, sugars, colorings, decorations, aromas, and nuts, Sosa empowers chefs and food enthusiasts to innovate and elevate their creations with unique and original flavour profiles.

Shop Sosa ingredients
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Where tradition meets innovation

Sosa began life in 1967 as a family business producing traditional Catalan cakes. Over the years their focus on innovation and pushing the boundaries of food experiences has seen them evolve into the go-to place for foodies who want to do something different and add a bit of flair. Let your creativity run riot.

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Sosa's commitment to quality

Sosa's products are always developed in accordance with the four pillars of modern cuisine: more flavour, less sugar, less fat and contrast of textures. Many of which are suitable for those with allergies and dietary requirements such as gluten free, vegetarian and vegan.

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Products made with natural goodness

Sosa's product catalogue exceeds 3,000 products, and is derived entirely of natural ingredients, which includes texturizers, thickening and gelling agents, nuts, freeze dried and confit fruits, natural plant extracts, essential oils and many more. Constantly developing new products and new tastes

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Sosa hub

Leading manufacturer of premium ingredients

More texture, more flavour, less fat and less sugar

Pastry-making and gastronomy

Expansion and continuous improvement of product lines

Sosa recipes & inspiration

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How to use Food Colours cake drip

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Henley Bridge welcomes a vibrant new range: Food Colours

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Henley Bridge welcomes a vibrant new range: Food Colours

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Henley Bridge welcomes a vibrant new range: Food Colours

Moments of magic with Sosa

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More texture, more flavour, less fat and less sugar...

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