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Ginger, nutmeg and muscovado caramel chocolate bar

Ginger, nutmeg and muscovado caramel chocolate bar

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Add a little spice to your bars, with the warm and comforting notes of ginger and nutmeg, which works beautifully with the sweetness and saltiness of the amber chocolate.

Chocolate shells


600g Belcolade Amber

Chocolatree black cocoa butter (as required)

Chocolatree orange cocoa butter (as required)


Take a polycarbonate chocolate mould and using the cotton wool pads, give it a polish as this will give the chocolate a shiny shell.

Take some electrical tape and place a strip at the end of the mould and place into the cavity. 

Start melting and tempering the cocoa butter and, while that is cooling down, set up the airbrush and keep warm. 

Place the tempered black cocoa butter in the airbrush and spray in the cavities, making sure that all areas are covered.

Remove the electrical tape from the mould and temper the orange cocoa butter. Spray over the whole cavity using an airbrush.

Place 600g of chocolate into a plastic bowl and melt to 45-50°C in 25-second blasts inside the microwave.

Once it's reached the temperature, pour most of the chocolate onto a marble slab and using both the chocolate scraper and palette knife, move the chocolate about to cool it down.

Make sure you are keeping an eye on the temperature during this process. You want the chocolate to be cooled down to 27-28°C.

When it's reached the temperature, scrape the chocolate back into the bowl, mix and bring it back up to a working temperature of 30°C.

Place the chocolate into a piping bag and fill each cavity with chocolate all the way. Give a good tapping to the mould to remove any air bubbles then flip it upside down to turn out all the excess chocolate.

Using the scraper, tap the side of the mould to remove the excess chocolate and scrape on the base to remove it all.

Place onto a sheet of greaseproof paper upside down and leave at room temperature for 5 minutes.

Take the mould, scrape off any excess chocolate around the sides or on the mould and leave to one side to create the filling.

Ginger, nutmeg and muscovado caramel


110g whipping cream 

60g light brown sugar 

5g salt 

60g caster sugar

60g Sosa liquid glucose 

40g unsalted butter

40g stem ginger 

¼ of nutmeg, grated 

50g Sosa chocolate coated popping candy


Place the cream, light brown sugar, nutmeg, chopped stem ginger and salt into a pan and bring to the boil. Keep warm to the side while you create the caramel. 

Create a direct caramel using the caster sugar and glucose. Once you reach a golden colour, pour in the cream mixture slowly and cook to 108°C. 

Pour the caramel into a bowl and let it cool to 60°C. Once cooled, blitz in the butter until fully emulsified. 

Place clingfilm over the bowl to stop any skin forming on top and cool down to 30°C. 

Add in the popping candy and then place the mix into a piping bag and pipe into the cavities leaving a 2mm gap at the top. 

Let it set for a minimum of 6 hours at room temperature before capping off.



Re-temper the chocolate and place into a piping bag.

Using a heat gun, carefully heat the top of the shells, only for a second so that it creates a seal around the sides.

Pipe the chocolate over the cavities, level using a palette knife and then, using a chocolate scraper, scrape off any excess leaving a clean flat bottom to the chocolates.

Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes to set before turning them out.

Recipe courtesy of Dominic Hutchings

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